'S presens two new works for the latest Minimart project, the first is S.M.(b).S or Short Message (In the Bottle) Service using solar cell technology with a light sensor controlling the electricity according to the environment. The result is a bottle with L.E.D Mini-running Text,with adjustable text input and alteration. The piece functions by obtaining solar energy via a solar cell, then storing it in the battery,and when the sunlight is gone the light sensor stars to work and releases electricity to L.E.D,which will display the programmed texts along with another function such as a clock. Another product is 'S B.E.A.M Robotics (Biological Electronic Aesthetic and Mechanic), an invention made from recycled electronic junk connected together with an electrical circuit and developed to support different energy and system stimulations. Solar Bot stores energy from a mini solar cell to power L.E.D light at night. Magnetic Grasshopper has a system activated by magnet power.Quake Bot collects energy from the heat and vibration of the human body; Push Bot,the tank and cockroch robots which gain energy from the battery activated by human's compressive strength. (Art4d number 161 July 09)
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